Broughton Farm Caravan Park FAQs
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How long is the season ?
The park is open from 1st March to 15th November. It is closed in the winter period but owners may visit during daylight hours.
How long may a holiday caravan remain on the park?
We offer a 15 year licence agreement with a new holiday caravan approved by the British Holiday & Home Parks Association.
What price are holiday caravans?
New holiday caravans are available from about £40,000.00.
Used holiday caravans may also be available from about £20,000.00.
Are there any vacant pitches?
See Caravans for Sale pages for current availability.
If you would like to enquire about availability, please call the office or contact us via the online form. Please note that we are currently holding a waiting list.
Buying a holiday caravan – your questions answered
Buying a holiday caravan might just be the best decision you ever made. It can be your ‘happy place’, a bolt hole to which to escape to take holidays in the most beautiful parts of the country. For further information and guidance, please visit:

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Contact Broughton Farm Caravan Park
Please contact us if you have any queries, we aim to respond within 48 hours.
Broughton Farm does not offer caravans for rental or any rental pitches for tourers, campervans or tents.